Doon Property

Dehradun Properties

Cookies Policy

At, we use cookies to enhance your browsing experience and personalize the content and advertisements we show you. This page details how we utilize these cookies on our website as well as how you can control their use.

What are Cookies??Cookies are small text files stored on your device when visiting websites, used to remember preferences, login details, and other pertinent details in order to provide an efficient browsing experience that's tailored specifically to you.

How are Cookies Being Utilized? We utilize cookies in various ways:

Never lose your settings again by subscribing to our mailing list! With us you'll never miss a thing! And don't forget our social media features that provide a social experience! Additionally we use different cookies depending on the functionality or service provided and the types of data collected that helps us measure website performance or traffic analysis - they even use social media features too! We thank all our subscribers and wish them every success on the road ahead!

Essential cookies: Essential cookies are necessary for the website to function effectively and cannot be disabled.

Functional cookies: We can remember your preferences and settings with these cookies.

Performance cookies: These cookies enable us to understand how visitors use our website, such as which pages are most visited and any issues with it. Advertising cookies: These cookies enable us to personalize advertisements you see both here and other websites.

How Can I Manage Cookies? You can manage cookies via your browser settings. Most browsers enable you to either block or delete cookies, as well as set preferences for specific websites. Note, however, that restricting or deleting them could interfere with browsing experience as some website features may no longer function optimally.

changes to our cookies policy.

From time to time, we may make changes to our cookies policy, and they will be posted here as they occur.

Reach Out If you have any inquiries or issues related to our cookies policy, please use the Contact Us page of our website to reach out and make your voice heard.


This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Cookie Policy
